304-725-3186 info@jccm.us

Category: Weekly Needs List

Monthly Needs List

Eggs, Hot dogs, Ground beef, Canned meats (spam, chicken, tuna, etc), Mac and Cheese, Milk, Jelly, Canned fruit, Salt, Sugar, Cooking Oil, Dish soap, Laundry detergent, Deodorant, Conditioner, Paper towels, Cat and dog food, Powdered coffee creamer, and Copy Paper

Weekly Needs List

JCCM would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors, volunteers, and partners for making it possible for us to be able to help the people of Jefferson County in so many different ways. We would not be able to do what we do, without so many of you. We are looking […]

Weekly Needs List 10/18

Butter, Hot dogs, Ground beef, Eggs, Regular coffee (not instant), Microwave meals, Canned chili with beans, Shelf Stable/powdered milk, Pancake mix, Syrup, Jelly, Applesauce, Rice/pasta sides, Boxed mashed potatoes, Flour, Powdered coffee creamer, Dish soap, Laundry detergent, Toothpaste, Deodorant, Shampoo/Conditioner, Body wash, Paper towels, Cat and dog food, Copy Paper

Weekly Needs List 10/08/2021

Clothing Closet Needs:  Men’s and women’s sneakers and boots,  Women’s undergarments     Food Pantry Needs:  Butter,  Hot dogs,  Ground beef,  Eggs,  Jelly,  Applesauce,  Boxed mashed potatoes,  Powdered coffee creamer, Laundry detergent,  Deodorant,   Shampoo/Conditioner,  Body wash   Administrative Needs:  Printer Paper