304-725-3186 info@jccm.us

Cold Weather Shelter Schedule – November through March


  • Paul h
    January 18, 2022

    This link isn’t showing the shelter schedule.

    • Keith Lowry
      February 17, 2022

      Thank you for your comment. The shelter schedule is posted on our front window. We usually pick up those who are staying at the shelter at 6:30 at JCCM. If the shelter is within walking distance, the journey begins at our building.

      Hope this helps.

  • Mary Gageby
    January 23, 2022

    My daughter happened to run across a homeless women in Charles Town last evening. She called around looking for a shelter and everything was closed. It would be very helpful to have a schedule to share in the event we may need to help someone in the future. I’m considering making a few blessing bags to hand out and would like a printed schedule to place inside the bags. Thank you for any assistance you can offer.

    • Keith Lowry
      February 17, 2022

      Thank you for your question. The shelter schedule is posted on our front window. We usually pick up those who are staying at the shelter at 6:30 at JCCM. If the shelter is within walking distance, the journey begins at our building.

      Hope this helps.


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